Healing with Salada Green Tea

Salada Green TeaI had a head cold the other week that left me feeling crummy. I called in sick at work but decided to keep a previously scheduled doctor’s appointment. For health’s sake, I surrendered to the poking and prodding of the physical exam and even elected to get a flu shot which probably worsened my symptoms a bit. Afterward at the grocery store I searched for a green tea to help nurse me through. Something I hadn’t tried before.

Salada Green Tea did what is was supposed to do that afternoon. It provided comfort, hydration, and a dose of antioxidants. Things were much better the next day, and I got a chance to sip the tea without a compromised sense of smell and taste. Continue reading “Healing with Salada Green Tea”

Golden Tips Tea Company – Part Two

Golden Tips Tea SamplesI continue this journey through the teas of India courtesy of Golden Tips Tea Company. Several teas were covered in Part One; it took me a few more weeks to get through the rest of the samples. It’s a tough job having to try so many Darjeeling teas, but somebody’s gotta do it. Continue reading “Golden Tips Tea Company – Part Two”

Golden Tips Tea Company – Part One

Golden Tips Tea PackageTea produced in India can come from several regions, and Golden Tips Tea Company has them all covered. They sent me a small sampling of teas, which arrived in a carefully assembled package, boxed the usual way in cardboard but with an outer wrapping of firmly sewn muslin cloth with fancy wax seals.

Impressed already with the packaging,  I couldn’t wait to start sipping. There’s no point in drilling into details such as tea leaf grade or flush; you can find all that information on the Golden Tips Tea website. Instead, I’ll just give my brief opinions of each tea. Continue reading “Golden Tips Tea Company – Part One”